Tuesday, November 12, 2013

TO DO: Surveillance
Source: ACLU


Tell Congress: Act Now To End The Surveillance State

34,662 people support this campaign. Help us get to 40,000!
Update, October 14: According to documents revealed by whisteblower Edward Snowden, and published in The Washington Post, the NSA is collecting the email address books, "buddy lists," and contacts from hundreds of millions of internet users, many of them Americans.

"The question is not 'do you have something to hide?' The question is whether we control government or the government controls us." - Oliver Stone
The revelations just keep coming. Each week we get new proof that the NSA has vastly overstepped its authority and is monitoring the intimate communications of Americans.
Since Edward Snowden exposed the NSA’s massive internet and telephone spying programs, momentum is building to roll back the surveillance state. Tens of thousands of ACLU supporters have taken a stand—calling on President Obama to rein it in. But so far his proposals have only scratched the surface of the changes needed to ensure our privacy.
So we need to turn up the pressure on Congress, which blindly gave the NSA too much spying power in the first place.
The tide is turning in this fight: Earlier this year we helped push an amendment to a Defense Appropriations bill that would have reined in the NSA within 7 votes of passing! But if we're going to get past this last hurdle, we need to stand together and send our representatives a crystal clear message:Americans stand opposed to this blatant abuse of power.
Tell Congress to get in gear to end the secret surveillance state—sign the petition demanding they repeal section 215 of the Patriot Act and section 702 of FISA immediately.

To Members of Congress:

Congress provided the legislative vehicles for the NSA’s massive spying programs—and it’s time to roll them back.
The incredible abuse of government power demonstrated by the NSA spying programs shows the grave threat that secret and unchecked government surveillance programs present to democratic freedoms.
Act now to back legislation that repeals the surveillance state sections of the Patriot Act and FISA.
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