Wednesday, September 24, 2014

TO DO: GMO/Labeling Monsanto's Corn
Source: Grassroots Action

Tell Retailers: Label Monsanto's Genetically 

Engineered Sweet Corn

Monsanto has created genetically engineered sweet corn that produces pesticides in its own tissue, and it's being grown and sold to consumers throughout the United States. This genetically engineered corn - which would never exist in nature - is regulated by the EPA as an insecticide, but it's sold alongside natural corn in grocery stores across the country.

Consumers deserve to know whether they're eating an insecticide! Add your name to the form at right to demand labeling for genetically engineered sweet corn, and if we reach 100,000 signatures, we'll send them to the Grocery Manufacturers Association AND Monsanto.

Yes on 92
Environmental Action
EWG Action Fund
Food and Water Watch
Friends of the Earth
Oregon League of Conservation Voters

Article: GMO/Monsanto
Source: Reuters

USDA grants approval to Dow's Enlist GMO corn and soybeans

Sept 17 Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:32pm EDT

(Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Agriculture on Wednesday gave final approval to new genetically modified corn and soybeans developed by Dow AgroSciences that, while heavily criticized by environmentalists and some farmers, are portrayed by Dow as an answer to weed resistance problems that limit crop production.
Approval of the specialty corn and soybeans to be sold as part of a branded "Enlist Weed Control System" means the traits could be on the market for the 2015 U.S. planting season, according to Dow AgroSciences, a unit of Dow Chemical.
Dow is still awaiting approval from the Environmental Protection Agency for Enlist herbicide, which the genetically altered Enlist corn and beans are designed to tolerate.
Like the popular Roundup Ready system developed by rival Monsanto Co., farmers who plant Enlist crops can spray their fields with Enlist herbicide and kill weeds but not the crops.
Corn and soybeans containing Monsanto's Roundup Ready trait, which can tolerate sprayings of Roundup herbicide, make up roughly 90 percent of U.S. corn and soybean plantings every spring.
But heavy use of Roundup has triggered an explosion of herbicide-resistant "super weeds" that are hard for farmers to fight and which can choke off crop yields.
The prevalence of resistant weeds has more than doubled since 2009 and so-called "super weeds" now infest roughly 70 million acres of U.S. farmland, according to Dow.
Because weeds have not yet developed resistance to Enlist, the system addresses the problem.
"Enlist will help farmers increase their productivity to meet the growing demand for a safe and affordable food supply," Tim Hassinger, president of Dow AgroSciences, said in a statement.
Dow pegs the market opportunity for Enlist at about $1 billion.
Monsanto is also developing a new biotech cropping system.
Enlist combines a 60-year-old herbicide component known as 2,4-D with glyphosate, the chief ingredient in long-used Roundup.
Opponents say the use of 2,4-D can cause potential health and environmental problems, including increasing weed resistance. And they fear the chemical will damage neighboring farm fields. Fruit and vegetable farmers are particularly concerned that 2,4-D drift will lead to crop damage. But Dow has said the Enlist system is safe if properly used.
"The USDA approval of Enlist after such a fundamentally flawed review process is a slap in the face to farmers," said Marcia Ishii-Eiteman, senior scientist with Pesticide Action Network (PAN). "Thousands of farmers have warned USDA of the crop damage, economic losses and health risks they will face from pesticide drift, if these 2,4-D resistant seeds hit the market."
Ishii-Eiteman hinted at a lawsuit, saying PAN would pursue "legal options" to protect farmers. (Reporting by Carey Gillam in Kansas City; Editing by Cynthia Osterman)

Article: Food/Monsanto Corn
Source: Huff Post

Monsanto's GMO Corn Linked To Organ Failure, Study Reveals

Posted: Updated: 
In a study released by the International Journal of Biological Sciences, analyzing the effects of genetically modified foods on mammalian health, researchers found that agricultural giant Monsanto's GM corn is linked to organ damage in rats.
According to the study, which was summarized by Rady Ananda at Food Freedom, "Three varieties of Monsanto's GM corn - Mon 863, insecticide-producing Mon 810, and Roundup® herbicide-absorbing NK 603 - were approved for consumption by US, European and several other national food safety authorities."
Monsanto gathered its own crude statistical data after conducting a 90-day study, even though chronic problems can rarely be found after 90 days, and concluded that the corn was safe for consumption. The stamp of approval may have been premature, however.
In the conclusion of the IJBS study, researchers wrote:
"Effects were mostly concentrated in kidney and liver function, the two major diet detoxification organs, but in detail differed with each GM type. In addition, some effects on heart, adrenal, spleen and blood cells were also frequently noted. As there normally exists sex differences in liver and kidney metabolism, the highly statistically significant disturbances in the function of these organs, seen between male and female rats, cannot be dismissed as biologically insignificant as has been proposed by others. We therefore conclude that our data strongly suggests that these GM maize varieties induce a state of hepatorenal toxicity....These substances have never before been an integral part of the human or animal diet and therefore their health consequences for those who consume them, especially over long time periods are currently unknown."
Monsanto has immediately responded to the study, stating that the research is "based on faulty analytical methods and reasoning and do not call into question the safety findings for these products."
The IJBS study's author Gilles-Eric Séralini responded to the Monsanto statement on the blog, Food Freedom, "Our study contradicts Monsanto conclusions because Monsanto systematically neglects significant health effects in mammals that are different in males and females eating GMOs, or not proportional to the dose. This is a very serious mistake, dramatic for public health. This is the major conclusion revealed by our work, the only careful reanalysis of Monsanto crude statistical data."

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

TO DO: Reinstate Dr. Salaita
Source: Laura Briggs

Reinstate Dr. Salaita!!!

Emails of the trustees are in a chain for your convenience, but if you want to send them individually (even better), see full list at:  With permission from Laura Briggs, her letter is posted below.

TO: EMAILS of the Trustees (copy and paste):,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
FROM: Laura Brigg's letter:
Much has been said about the Salaita case, and I'm sure a great deal of it has reached your ears: that it is a violation of the fundamental Constitutional protections of freedom of speech; that it was done with disregard for UIUC's own statutes; that it has a chilling effect on public engagement by academics; that it was a breach of contract with Steven Salaita; that it was a racist act against a Palestinian American who of course felt considerable distress when dead Palestinian children were on the front page of every newspaper. All of this, I think, is fundamentally correct and extremely unfortunate for a state university--which, as I am sure you are aware, has a higher (legal and perhaps moral) obligation not to act in ways that censor any views, however expressed.

Let me then be brief then, and, I hope add something new to the conversation. Yesterday, the New York Times ran a large, multi-page feature about academic think-tanks accepting money from foreign governments to the point, the article suggests, that they should be registering as agents of foreign governments. I suspect the venerable Brookings Institute will not soon recover from the charge that it has acted as an agent of Qatar, limiting scholars' freedom to speech about Qatari foreign policy. Nor, I think, will the Atlantic Council be seen in the same way after the charge that it censured its staff to the degree that when the director called the ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt a military coup (signing a petition or testifying to that effect in Congress), she was forced out after conflict with the Lebanese donor.

Painfully, then, the question arises: is the University of Illinois effectively being forced by wealthy donors to be an agent of a foreign government, Israel, in de-hiring a faculty member who too sharply criticized its military actions in Gaza?

This is not a light in which any of us want to see UIUC. I urge you to vote favorably on Salaita's hiring at the upcoming meeting.

Laura Briggs
Professor, History
Chair, Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies
University of Massachusetts  

Monday, September 8, 2014

TO DO: Academic Freedom/Dr Salaita@UIUC

We demand corrective action on the scandalous firing of Palestinian-American professor, Dr. Steven Salaita
We demand corrective action on the scandalous firing of Palestinian-American professor, Dr. Steven Salaita

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has just severed their contract of employment with the brilliant, ethical, and prolific Dr. Steven Salaita for his political views on Israel, effectively firing him the very month he was to take up a tenured position there. This is also an insult to the Department of American Indian Studies that was not consulted in this administrative decision.

It appears that we live in a world where students get paid to post state propaganda while professors/journalists get FIRED for exposing it in the name of truth and justice.

We demand his immediate reinstatement.

For information about this case and academic freedom generally, please go to the U.S. Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel website

Phyllis M. Wise, Chancellor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
Robert Warrior, Department of American Indian Studies (UIUC) 
We demand corrective action on the scandalous firing of Palestinian-American professor, Dr. Steven Salaita
[Your name]

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