Tuesday, September 9, 2014

TO DO: Reinstate Dr. Salaita
Source: Laura Briggs

Reinstate Dr. Salaita!!!

Emails of the trustees are in a chain for your convenience, but if you want to send them individually (even better), see full list at: http://bit.ly/1qdDfI4.  With permission from Laura Briggs, her letter is posted below.

TO: EMAILS of the Trustees (copy and paste):

chris@northbankandwells.com,reaster@uillinois.edu,hcave2@illinois.edu,estradar@metrofamily.org,patrick.fitzgerald@skadden.com,lnfrye2@illinois.edu,hasgot28@aol.com,pholmes@schiffhardin.com, timothy.koritz@gmail.com,tkoritz@gmail.com, dleibo2@uic.edu,mcmillaned@sbcglobal.net,mcmillaned@msn.com,james@jdmlaw.com,pbstrobel@comcast.net,bearrows@uillinois.edu,kies@uillinois.edu,lmckeever@wpmck.com
FROM: Laura Brigg's letter:
Much has been said about the Salaita case, and I'm sure a great deal of it has reached your ears: that it is a violation of the fundamental Constitutional protections of freedom of speech; that it was done with disregard for UIUC's own statutes; that it has a chilling effect on public engagement by academics; that it was a breach of contract with Steven Salaita; that it was a racist act against a Palestinian American who of course felt considerable distress when dead Palestinian children were on the front page of every newspaper. All of this, I think, is fundamentally correct and extremely unfortunate for a state university--which, as I am sure you are aware, has a higher (legal and perhaps moral) obligation not to act in ways that censor any views, however expressed.

Let me then be brief then, and, I hope add something new to the conversation. Yesterday, the New York Times ran a large, multi-page feature about academic think-tanks accepting money from foreign governments to the point, the article suggests, that they should be registering as agents of foreign governments. I suspect the venerable Brookings Institute will not soon recover from the charge that it has acted as an agent of Qatar, limiting scholars' freedom to speech about Qatari foreign policy. Nor, I think, will the Atlantic Council be seen in the same way after the charge that it censured its staff to the degree that when the director called the ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt a military coup (signing a petition or testifying to that effect in Congress), she was forced out after conflict with the Lebanese donor.

Painfully, then, the question arises: is the University of Illinois effectively being forced by wealthy donors to be an agent of a foreign government, Israel, in de-hiring a faculty member who too sharply criticized its military actions in Gaza?

This is not a light in which any of us want to see UIUC. I urge you to vote favorably on Salaita's hiring at the upcoming meeting.

Laura Briggs
Professor, History
Chair, Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies
University of Massachusetts  

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