Friday, March 14, 2014

TO DO: Fair Elections/ NY
Source: People for the American Way

fair elections
Please call Gov. Cuomo now and tell him to make sure public campaign funding is included in the final budget!
Gov. Andrew Cuomo: (518) 474-4246
New York State is on the verge of enacting major campaign finance reform that will limit the influence of CEO campaign cash and enhance the role of small donors in state elections.
Please call Gov. Cuomo in Albany right now and tell him to make sure Fair Elections -- public campaign funding -- gets passed in the final state budget!
Call Gov. Cuomo now at (518) 474-4246.
Sick of big money campaign contributors coming before voters? Whether it's the environment, good schools, safe bridges and roads or health care, we deserve a government that works for all of us, not just a small group of wealthy campaign contributors.
Activists have been fighting to end Albany's addiction to campaign cash for more than a decade, but reform has always stalled in the State Senate.
Now, Governor Cuomo has included a public campaign funding package in his budget proposal. It's the best chance for reform yet.
Call now and tell him to make sure it’s included in the final budget -- (518) 474-4246.
The budget is due by April 1. That means there's only a couple weeks left to make sure we pass this critical reform that will change the dynamic in Albany and help restore a government of, by, and for the people.
Despite Supreme Court decisions like Citizens United that have undermined our democracy by taking the restraints off of big money, states can still implement these kinds of small donor empowerment programs. And if New York can pass this reform, it could serve as a much-needed catalyst to truly change the way money can influence elections in this country.
You can help make this happen simply by picking up the phone right now and urging Gov. Cuomo to keep public funding in the final budget.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo: (518) 474-4246
Thanks for all you do!

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