Tuesday, April 8, 2014

TO DO: Paul Ryan Budget
Source: Left Action


BREAKING: New Ryan Budget Vote Coming Thursday

Don't stand for this.

For the last 3 years, Congressman Paul Ryan has proposed a reckless budget that flies in the face of our core values. This year's budget is no different -- it hurts our middle class, our students and our seniors.

Don't stand for the misguided priorities of the Ryan budget. Join Democrats across the country to oppose this irresponsible budget and the anti-middle class 

priorities it puts forth.

Budgets are about priorities, and the priorities at the core of the Ryan Budget continue to be out of touch with the middle class. Balancing the budget on the backs of seniors, students, and middle-class families is reprehen

So far over 700,000 people in Illinois and across the country have stepped up to take a stand against the Ryan budget. But it's going to take a huge grassroots movement -- powered by people like you -- to put an end to the Ryan budget. Please add your name to help us reach ONE MILLION:

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