Wednesday, July 31, 2013

TO DO: ALEC/Corporate Special Interests
Source: People for the American Way

The time is NOW to ramp up our efforts against the right-wing American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)!
alecNext week, ALEC will host its annual conference in Chicago … but this is not just their regular gathering. It’s ALEC’s 40th anniversary, and they’ll be marking four decades of success as a front group for the Radical Right and corporate special interests with plenty of celebrating.
We’ll be there to crash the party.
People For the American Way is joining allies and activists for the largest anti-ALEC actions to date. You can be a part of it and make sure your voice is represented by joining our petition, which we’ll use in showing strength against ALEC and sending the message to ALEC legislators in Chicago next week.
We’re encouraging PFAW supporters to come to Chicago if they can, but you can be there in spirit -- in the style of a “virtual march” -- by adding your name to the petition now.
When we joined efforts last year to pressure companies to break ties with ALEC, over 100,000 PFAW members took action -- and many of them took repeated action, targeting specific consumer brands. We had remarkable success, with companies like McDonald’s, Coca Cola, Pepsi, Proctor & Gamble, Amazon, Blue Cross, Kraft and many more officially ceasing their support of and involvement with the group.
Now we need to keep up that pressure and get ALEC’s legislator members to do the same -- to cut ties with ALEC, and stop pushing their radical pro-corporate and far-right agenda.
For years, PFAW and our affiliate PFAW Foundation have worked to expose the insidious influence of ALEC in state legislatures and the corporate special interests that are manipulating the legislative process via ALEC.
ALEC’s been instrumental in promoting notorious right-wing state legislation like Florida’s “shoot first/stand your ground” law, Arizona’s infamous “show me your papers” immigration bill and Voter ID laws aimed at disenfranchising minority and young voters in many states.
Membership in and support of ALEC must carry a cost … and that cost should be particularly high for the politicians who are actually on the front lines enacting ALEC’s dangerous, ideological agenda.
And, as always, please make sure to help spread the word after you take action.
The voice of corporate special interests in state legislatures, ALEC, is celebrating its 40th anniversary.
Help crash the party!
Tell state legislators to say NO to ALEC!

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