TO DO: Racial Justice/Repeal "Stand Your Ground" Laws
Source: People for the American Way
In addition to raising the issue of underlying, systemic biases in our criminal justice system, the killing of Trayvon Martin and the trial of George Zimmerman have shone a bright spotlight on a law that may have played a significant role in the “not guilty” verdict and paved the way for this senseless tragedy in the first place: the infamous “Stand Your Ground” law.
At least 22 states have laws similar to Florida’s Stand Your Ground law, and more are considering passing them. If you include, more broadly, “Castle Doctrine” laws, which also encouraged armed civilians to “shoot first,” the list gets much longer.
Stand Your Ground, conceal and carry, “Castle Doctrine” laws … these are policies which promote gun ownership -- and use -- and make all of us less safe. They are dream laws of the NRA and heavily promoted by right-wing front groups like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). ALEC has had a particularly front-and-center role in pushing Stand Your Ground laws.
Jury instructions in the Zimmerman trial emphasized that Zimmerman had “no duty to retreat” because of Florida’s Stand Your Ground law. That same law, along with other laws like “conceal and carry,” encourages vigilantism and helped to create the climate in which an overzealous armed neighborhood watchman felt free to stalk and confront Trayvon Martin for no other reason than his appearance. The Stand Your Ground law was not only instrumental in the ultimate “not guilty” verdict once the case got to trial, it seriously hampered the initial investigation and almost prevented the prosecution of Zimmerman altogether.
Our justice system needs to be about justice.Please Stand YOUR Ground for justice now by adding your name to our petition telling lawmakers to repeal dangerous Stand Your Ground laws.
Stand Your Ground laws make us all less safe. They encourage a reckless cowboy mentality and are a barrier to accountability -- and to justice for victims like Trayvon Martin and his family.
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