TO DO: Regulation on Wall Street/Larry Summers
Source: CREDO Action
News broke this week that President Obama is dangerously close to nominating Larry Summers to lead the Federal Reserve. This would be a horrible choice for the president and for our country.
Summers was one of the leading figures behind the deregulation of Wall Street, which paved the way for our most recent economic collapse.
In addition, Summers has stated that he believes that women are "innately" less able to understand science and math than men.1
Yes, he said that. Let that sink in for a moment.
President Obama is seriously considering nominating a man who both helped drive our economy off a cliff and who blames the relative lack of women in science and math on the supposedly innate intellectual inferiority of women.
The Chair of the Federal Reserve is an incredibly important position -- and for President Obama to appoint a man who publicly stated women are not intellectually equal to men would send an unacceptable message to the country and to the world.
The negative message President Obama would send by appointing Summers is even more pronounced because the other front runner for this position is a woman who is the subject of a whisper campaign saying she lacks the “toughness” and “gravitas” of someone like Summers.2
We’ve heard the same kind of coded language used a million times before to keep women out of positions of authority and power.
We need to fight back.
As the father of two daughters, we know that President Obama believes in equality for women.
If we make Larry Summers' sexist comments a public issue, it's more likely that President Obama will think twice before appointing Summers to lead the Fed.
Click the link below to automatically sign the petition telling President Obama that Larry Summers is unfit to lead the Federal Reserve Bank.
Becky Bond, Political Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets
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1 "Why women are poor at science, by Harvard president," The Guardian, 1-18-2005.
2 "The subtle, sexist whispering campaign against Janet Yellen," The Washington Post, 07-19-2013. |
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