Thursday, January 16, 2014

TO DO: "Rape Audit" Bill
Source: Left Action

Denounce the Republican Rape Audit Bill

These men think they can make health care decisions for women.  Tell them they're wrong.
House Republicans have gone too far: A panel of 12 men on the House Judiciary Committee actually held hearings on a bill that could allow the IRS to audit survivors of rape or incest for using their contraceptive health care coverage.
Forcing women to submit proof of their traumatic experience to government auditors is dehumanizing and unconscionable.
Sign below to denounce John Boehner and House Republicans for supporting this extremist anti-woman bill. >>

Denounce the Republican Rape Audit Bill

"Forcing women to submit proof of their traumatic experience to government auditors is dehumanizing and unconscionable. I denounce this bill in the strongest possible terms."

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