Thursday, January 2, 2014

TO DO: Snowden/NSA
Source: ACLU

President Obama: Grant Edward Snowden Immunity Now

Snowden photo
GOAL: 35,000
29,912 people support this campaign. Help us get to 35,000!
Edward Snowden is a great American who deserves full immunity for his patriotic acts. And we’re proud to serve as his legal advisors.
When Snowden blew the whistle on the NSA, he single-handedly reignited a global debate about government surveillance and our most fundamental rights as individuals.
And a federal judge just vindicated Snowden’s actions by declaring unconstitutional the NSA’s spying program, labeling it “Orwellian”— adding that James Madison would be “aghast.”
For more than 12 years, the ACLU has been fighting to end government surveillance that invades the rights and lives of millions of Americans with virtually no oversight. But when our years-long case against mass surveillance finally reached the Supreme Court, it was dismissed for lack of evidence of the secret programs. Snowden provided that evidence, at great personal risk.
Right now, Snowden still lives under threat—exiled in Russia far from his home and his family, and the victim of ongoing public attacks by the NSA and their surveillance allies.
And recently, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton said that Snowden “ought to swing from a tall oak tree” for exposing the NSA’s illegal programs.
Despite all this, in a recent CBS News interview, a top NSA official opened the door to offering Snowden immunity, under certain conditions (though we firmly believe it should be unconditional).
Now if tens of thousands of us stand together and tell President Obama to grant Snowden immunity, we have a real chance of bringing him home.

President Obama:

Edward Snowden is an American patriot. End the public attacks and grant him full immunity now.
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