Monday, January 6, 2014

TO DO: Stop War in Iran
Source: CREDO Action

CREDO action
Call Sen. Menendez today!
Your senator, Sen. Menendez, is one of the Democrats undermining President Obama's diplomatic efforts with Iran.

Pick up the phone and tell Sen. Menendez not to help the Republicans start another war.
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Dear Minnie,
No war with Iran
News broke right before the holidays that 15 Senate Democrats led by New York’s Chuck Schumer and New Jersey’s Robert Menendez have joined Republicans in pushing a new sanctions bill that would blow up diplomacy with Iran and set us on a path to war.
A senior administration official put it very succinctly to the Huffington Post:
“The fact is, passing new sanctions now would split the international community, embolden Iranian hard-liners, and likely derail any prospect of a diplomatic resolution. Members of Congress pressing for this bill are effectively choosing to close the door on diplomacy, making it far more likely that we’ll be left only with a military option.”
We don't need another war of choice in the Middle East. But that’s what this new bill will lead us.
Iran, having frozen its nuclear program and agreed to the most intrusive inspections in its history, is sitting at the table with us and our international partners.
In exchange for Iran freezing its nuclear program and allowing such intrusive sanctions, the international community promised no new sanctions while negotiations were underway.
The senators pushing this bill are looking to make liars out of us, and to needlessly provoke Iran.
President Obama has asked for Congress to give him and our partners the time it takes to pursue diplomacy. We need to tell Democratic senators that their constituents want them to support the president and support diplomacy, not irresponsibly trigger another unfunded war of choice in the Middle East.
Thank you for speaking out.
Matt Lockshin, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets
Click below for a sample script and the number to call:
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