Wednesday, February 26, 2014

TO DO: Campaign Finance Transparency
Source: Public Citizen

Tell the IRS to Stand Up to the Tea Party

Clarify the Rules to Prevent Dark Money Groups from Abusing Nonprofit Status

We’re up against the Koch Brothers.

Those billionaire oligarchs — whose politically weaponized corporate profits are used to crush all but the most radical right-wing candidates — are mobilizing tea partiers, via their dark money group “Americans for Prosperity,” to shut down the IRS rule that transparency advocates like Public Citizen strongly support.

Of course the Koch Brothers hate the IRS rule because it would help rein in dark money outfits like the ones they use to distort our democracy.

The deadline for supporting the IRS rule is TOMORROW (February 27).

Join more than 22,000 activists in taking a stand against dark money outfits hiding their backers by organizing bogus “social welfare” nonprofits.

For more about the IRS rule, see my earlier email, copied below in case you missed it.



Public Citizen

With the 2014 elections on the horizon, unaccountable dark money groups are ready to inundate the airwaves with attack ads.

They have names not far off from “Americans for Apple Pie” and “Patriots for Freedom,” and, because they’re organized as nonprofit “social welfare” organizations, they are not required to disclose their donors.

Voters, meanwhile, have no way of knowing whether the money behind the ads comes from reckless corporations, Wall Street billionaires or foreign interests.

Tell the IRS to stop political campaigns from hiding their backers by organizing bogus “social welfare” nonprofits.

Abuses by dark money groups like Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS resulted in more than $300 million in secret political spending during the 2012 elections — spending that is kept secret because the organizations behind it are set up as tax-exempt nonprofit “social welfare” groups, which are not required to disclose their donors.

The IRS has proposed new rules to fix the problem and avoid being drawn into another media firestorm after last year’s accusations that right-leaning groups were unfairly denied nonprofit status (later reports revealed left-leaning groups also were denied).

Tea Party groups are flooding the IRS with comments attacking the proposal. To be fair, the IRS proposal has serious (but easily fixed) flaws.

Make sure the IRS knows you want the proposed rules to be improved, not abandoned.

Add your name to Public Citizen’s petition calling on the IRS to clarify the rules for nonprofits and stop political groups from abusing the system.

thumbnail photo of Rick ClaypoolThanks for all you do,

Rick Claypool
Public Citizen’s Online Action Team


P.S. Do one more easy thing before you move to the next message in your inbox. Forward this email to five friends, family members, neighbors or colleagues. They’ll appreciate knowing what matters to you. And your voice will be amplified by every person who joins you in taking action.

Visit our Government Reform page to learn more about Public Citizen’s work to rein in the influence of money in politics. Go to if you do not want to receive future emails from Public Citizen.

© 2014 Public Citizen • 1600 20th Street, NW / Washington, D.C. 20009 •

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