Friday, February 21, 2014

TO DO: McCutcheon/Campaign Finance
Source: Public Citizen

Update from Public Citizen

Get Big Money Out of Politics

Attend an Event on the Day of the McCutcheon Ruling

It could be in five days.
Tuesday, February 25, is the next day the U.S. Supreme Court might issue decisions in one or more of the 31 cases it has heard but not yet ruled on this term.

In other words, this Tuesday could be the day the justices announce their ruling in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission.

If it rules badly in McCutcheon — as it so infamously did four years ago in Citizens United — the Supreme Court could essentially allow a handful of the wealthiest Americans to spend as much as it takes to install their preferred candidates in office.


The Supreme Court does not publicize when it will rule on which cases. It only notes days on which itmight issue decisions.

So we’re all playing the waiting game to find out if the justices will grant billionaires and Big Business even more power over our democracy.

Fortunately, there’s work to do while we wait.

Get in on the events we’re planning for the day of the McCutcheon ruling — whenever it happens.


Public Citizen is leading a multi-organization grassroots campaign to plan rapid response events in cities and towns across the country the day the court rules.

There are already 122 events planned in 33 states, with more added every day.

A rapid response is critical so that We the People can collectively, forcefully and immediately show that we will not allow our democracy to turn into a plutocracy.

This will be an unprecedented nationwide mobilization. Don’t miss out!

Find an event near you, or sign up to help plan one in your community.


Here’s a reminder about what’s at stake in McCutcheon:

Currently, an individual can contribute a total of no more than $123,000 to candidates and parties in each two-year election cycle.

But with a ruling in McCutcheon as horrendous as its Citizens United travesty back in 2010, the Supreme Court could up that limit to $5.9 million — or even do away with limits entirely.

And while there are only a few hundred people who could and would spend that much interfering with elections, those few are exactly who our politicians will become beholden to.

We can’t let that happen.

I hope you’ll share this email with family and friends who, like you, are committed to real democracy.


Stay tuned for more “Countdown to McCutcheon” alerts as we mobilize in anticipation of the court’s ruling.

There is plenty to do.

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