Friday, April 26, 2013

TO DO: Corporations - Political Campaigns
Source: Public Citizen

Curb the Corporate Agenda of Activist CEOs

Tell Your Members of Congress to Cosponsor the Shareholder Protection Act

Corporations aren’t people, but shareholders are.
If you or someone you know has a 401(k), a similar retirement account or other investments, the corporations funded by these investments could be among those that secretly distort our elections by funneling money — your money — toward tilting our elections to favor corporate-friendly candidates.
The Shareholder Protection Act (H.R. 1734, S. 824) proposed by Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) and Rep. Michael Capuano (D-Mass.) would empower shareholders to vote on whether to allow corporate executives to spend corporate money on political campaigns. Shareholders — not the CEO and not the board of directors — are the real owners of any publicly traded corporation, and the decision should be theirs.
Don’t let your family’s nest egg be used to promote the corporate agenda. If a majority of shareholders tell a corporation to stay out of politics, then the corporation should do exactly that.

Use the form below to tell your members of Congress to co-sponsor the Shareholder Protection Act today.


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