Sunday, April 14, 2013

TO DO: Environment
Source: Sierra Club

Make New York Turn not Burn
Take Action
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.

The legacy of fossil fuels in New York is clear: polluted air, polluted water, and the destructive effects of climate disruption.

But we have a chance to change that by moving to 21st century clean and renewable energy like wind, solar, geothermal, and efficiency. These energy choices not only solve the devastating effects of pollution but also bring needed economic development, tens of thousands of jobs and clean power from renewable resources.

Governor Cuomo has the power to put New York on track to be a clean energy leader, but first he needs to hear from you. Tell him to make New York turn, not burn, to produce its energy. 

Currently New York is behind in meeting our state’s renewable energy goals, but Governor Cuomo can get us back on track to not only meet, but expand our renewable energy commitment.

He’s already started with a 10-year commitment to solar through the NY-Sun Initiative, but we can do better. New York can lead the nation in clean energy with innovative, job-creating resources like offshore wind, onshore wind, solar, geothermal and energy efficiency.

Tell Governor Cuomo to put New York on a renewable energy path. Let's turn, not burn, to get our energy for the 21st century.

Our state is at an energy crossroad. New York’s four remaining coal plants are outdated and economically struggling and the Indian Point nuclear plant is nearing retirement. Some leaders are proposing to replace them with more dirty fuels by building new natural gas plants, but there’s a better option. Clean, renewable energy like wind and solar power could safely and reliably power our homes and businesses – and Governor Cuomo could make it happen.

Send your message to Governor Cuomo now.
Thanks for all you do to protect the environment,

Jennifer Tuttle
Organizing Representative
Sierra Club

P.S. After you take action, be sure to forward this alert to your friends and colleagues!

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