Tuesday, April 30, 2013

TO DO: Immigrants/Detention
Source: Detention Watch

Take action this June for Father's Day to keep families together and put an end to detention and deportation!

Detention and deportation continue to tear our families and communities apart. In 2012, more than 400,000 immigrants were separated from their families and their communities by the detention and deportation system in the U.S. Meanwhile, Congress has appropriated $2 billion dollars for FY 2013 to continue to detain and deport immigrants. A great majority of those detained and deported are fathers, having a devastating impact on children and families.

But all across the U.S. people are standing up to say: Ya Basta! Communities are organizing to get people released from detention and hundreds are marching on the streets to demand for an immigration bill that doesn't leave anyone behind. As DWN, we want to make sure that we continue to be on the side of all of those in detention and stand alongside their families and communities, throughout the immigration reform debate and beyond.

Will you commit to taking action to stop separating families and put an end to detention and deportations during Father's Day weekend, June 14th-June 16th?

Here are three actions you can take

               Share a video, sign and share a petition during the week of Father's Day

               Organize an educational event or teach-in on detention in your community
               Organize a vigil, public action or march
DWN staff will provide any support, resources and materials you need to take action! So save the date and let us know what action you will take on Father's Day.

Please e-mail Catalina Nieto, DWN Field Director at cnieto@detentionwatchnetwork.org for more information and to include your action in the calendar of events.

Si se puede!

Catalina Nieto
Field Director, Detention Watch Network

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