Sunday, April 28, 2013

TO DO: Environment
Source: Earth Justice

Take Action
Action: Letter Campaign
Issue: Fracking
Start Action.
Drillers Need To Clean Up Their Act
It's hard to go a day without hearing something in the news about the consequences of the oil and gas drilling rush across the United States.
The rush is due in part to the controversial practice of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking—in which drillers blast millions of gallons of chemically treated water into the ground to force out the oil and gas. But the drilling boom has also been sped along by industry deregulation.
Thanks to exemptions from our bedrock environmental laws, oil and gas drilling operations don't have to follow the same rules as everyone else. Two bills introduced in Congress would change this.
The FRESHER Act would eliminate a Clean Water Act exemption that allows oil and gas to sidestep the same stormwater runoff permitting requirements that every other industry meets. The BREATHE Act would eliminate an unfair loophole in the Clean Air Act for oil and gas companies. (View the list of representatives who have cosponsored both bills.)
We need your help to restore these fundamental protections to the oil and gas industry.
It's time for Congress to stand up to industry and stand up for public health. Please ask your members of Congress to support the FRESHER and BREATHE Acts!
TAKE ACTION TODAY: Make your voice heard! To send your letter, enter your information below and click on the "Send Message" button.
WHY SHOULD I ENTER MY PHONE NUMBER? A steadily-increasing number of congressional webforms now require this field. Please visit theHouse or Senate websites to see if your members of Congress need this information. If they do and you do not wish to give us your phone number, please submit your letter directly through their website.


  • Your Representative


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Dear Representative,
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP]

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