Thursday, June 13, 2013

Article: Border Politics
Source: The Progress Report

Border Overkill
By ThinkProgress War Room on Jun 13, 2013 at 5:16 pm

Republican senators like Chuck Grassley (IA) and John Cornyn (TX) have been offering various amendments to the immigration bill they claim are necessary to secure the border, but their real purpose is try and kill the bill by placing impossible roadblocks on the pathway to earned citizenship.

The truth is that the border is already as secure as it’s ever been and the immigration bill is already slated to invest billions more to make additional improvements. In fact, the border has already met the border security targets included in the failed 2007 immigration reform bill.

Check out this infographic to see why the border is already secure and we don’t need any poison pill amendments from Republicans to make sure it stays that way.

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