Sunday, June 16, 2013

TO DO: Gun Violence
Source: Mayors Against Illegal Guns

Today is Gilles Rousseau's first Father’s Day since his daughter Lauren was killed at Sandy Hook Elementary, where she was a substitute teacher.

This Father's Day, share Gilles' story and help make sure fewer fathers ever have to bury their own children.
Watch and share this Father's Day message from a Newtown dad
After reading out the names, including Lauren's, of those who have been killed with guns in the past six months, the “No More Names” bus tour left Newtown, CT on Friday. The bus is driving across the country to bring the stories of victims, and the stories of survivors and loved ones to the doors of our leaders.

Please watch and share this video to help spread the word and prevent other families from going through this kind of pain:

Thanks for everything you do,

Mayors Against Illegal Guns

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