Monday, June 17, 2013

Source: People for the American Way

Tell Congress It's Time to Repeal Dangerous Provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act!

Members of Congress:
Revelations about the scope and extreme secrecy of the government's surveillance programs show deep flaws in the legal boundaries surrounding those programs. 

This is in large part due to dangerous provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act. 

The powers the PATRIOT Act grants to the executive branch were dangerously broad when it was passed, and they're dangerously broad now. It seems evident neither the standard of judicial review for the authorization of surveillance activities nor the one-sided nature of the process has adequately protected Americans' constitutional rights to privacy and due process. 

It's time to repeal some of the PATRIOT Act's most troubling provisions. Specifically, Section 215: the business records provision (a.k.a. the "library records provision"); Section 206: the roving wiretap provision; and Section 6001 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevent Act: the so-called "lone wolf" provision, need to be addressed -- most urgently Sec. 215, under which the much publicized Verizon phone records were collected. 

I urge you to take action on this matter without delay to make sure the rights of your constituents and all Americans are protected. 

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