Monday, June 17, 2013

TO DO: Detention/Deportation
Source: Detention Watch Network


We just learned that the House Judiciary Committee will review and debate the “SAFE Act,” introduced by Rep. Gowdy (R-SC), on Tuesday June 18th.

If enacted, the SAFE Act will dramatically increase detentions and deportations and create an environment of rampant racial profiling and unconstitutional detentions without fixing the immigration system’s problems. If the SAFE Act passes, it would also be disastrous for the bipartisan efforts to win just immigration reform. Please see this analysis from DWN members National Immigrant Law Center and Immigrant Justice Network.

We need YOU to take action TODAY.

1. Contact House leaders TODAY and tell them not to bring the "SAFE Act" up for a vote.

Call 1-888-787-9658 for the Congress Switchboard. Ask for Representatives Goodlatte (HJC Chair R-VA), Conyers (HJC Ranking Member (D-MI), and Boehner (House Speaker, R-OH).

Script: My name is _____ calling from ­­­­­_____. The SAFE Act represents the views of the nativist, anti-immigrant extremist and is out of step with the views of the vast majority of Americans. The SAFE Act’s single-minded focus on immigration enforcement would dramatically increase detentions and deportations, and create an environment of rampant racial profiling and unconstitutional detentions without fixing the immigration system’s problems. I urge you to invest in your political future by opposing the SAFE Act, H.R.4437, and blocking it from coming up for a vote.

2. Call your Representative TODAY and urge them to vote NO on the "SAFE Act."

Find out if your representative is on the House Judiciary Committee. Call 1-888-891-3271 for the Congress Switchboard.

Script: My name is _____ calling from ­­­­­_____. The SAFE Act is out of step with the country, and represents the views of the nativist, anti-immigrant extremists. As a constituent, I urge you to invest in your political future by voting NO on the SAFE Act, H.R. 4437.

3. Spread the Word

Forward this alert to your networks, join CAMBIO’s Field Call on the SAFE Act at 4pm on Monday 6/17th (see details below), and tweet at House Judiciary Committee members to vote NO on the “SAFE Act.”
Organizing Call to Oppose the SAFE ACT H.R. 2278 Monday 6/17 4pm ET
Call-in number:
Toll-Free Access Number:
Direct Dial/ International Access Number:
Participant Code: 

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