Sunday, June 16, 2013

TO DO: LGBTQ/Employment Discrimination
Source: People for the American Way

Tell Congress: Stand Up to Discrimination; Pass ENDA Now!


Members of Congress:

It’s way past time for Congress to enact basic workplace protections that shield LGBT Americans from employment discrimination. It’s illegal to fire someone because of race, religion, national origin, disability, age or gender but currently, employment discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is not prohibited by federal law.

Although much progress has been made, LGBT Americans remain widely discriminated against. 29 states have no laws prohibiting employment discrimination based on sexual orientation, and 34 states have none that do so based on gender identity.

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) is a very basic, commonsense measure that would protect LGBT Americans against the very real discrimination many of them face in the workplace -- one that the public overwhelmingly supports.

Please support ENDA -- H.R. 1755/S. 815 -- and do everything in your power to move it to final passage this year.
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