Sunday, June 16, 2013

TO DO: Immigration
Source: CAMBIO

Organizing Call to Oppose the SAFE ACT H.R. 2278Monday 6/17 4pm ET
This week Representative Gowdy introduced H.R. 2278, theSAFE Act. This legislation would bring a dangerous expansion of interior enforcement, detention and deportation that would further criminalize immigrants. On Friday we learned that the bill was scheduled for a markup in the House Judiciary committee on Tuesday, June 18th. Attached are two initial summaries of the bill from the National Immigration Law Center and the Immigrant Justice Network which identify some of the worst aspects of the bill.

We need to take urgent action to oppose this bill. Please join a call with advocates who are committed to upholding due process, human rights, and family unity in any immigration reform bill.  We will review the dangers of this legislation and what you can do to spread the word and respond to this attack on our communities and our values.

When: Monday June 17th, 4pm ET

Call-in number:
Toll-Free Access Number:
Direct Dial/ International Access Number:

Participant Code: 
We hope you are able to join us on this important call to learn more about how you can take action today!

American Civil Liberties Union
ACLU Regional Center for Border Rights
Border Network for Human Rights
Detention Watch Network
Immigrant Justice Network
National Day Laborers Organizing Network
National Domestic Workers Alliance
National Guestworker Alliance
National Immigration Law Center
Northern Borders Coalition
Rights Working Group
Southern Border Communities Coalition
United We Dream

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