Sunday, June 9, 2013

Article: Prisons and Children

Still of 'Sesame Street' Muppets (© CBS News,

'Sesame Street' now has a show for kids with parents in prison

TV zoning laws haven't seen fit to allow a bail bondsman's office on "Sesame Street," but gritty reality continues to encroach on the way to where the air is sweet. The workshop that birthed the iconic PBS show, having tackled divorce and other sources of kid angst, has now produced a 30-minute video for youngsters who have a parent in jail and have problems coping. And, yes, that means there's a Muppet mom or dad in the joint somewhere. The program won't be part of the regular "Sesame Street" broadcast, but will be distributed to schools, therapists and prisons. With one of every 28 U.S. kids having an incarcerated parent, there's a ready-made audience. [Source]

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