Wednesday, May 1, 2013

TO DO: Immigration
Source: Dream Activist


Alma Prado, single mother of 4 U.S. citizen children was returning home from taking her children to the doctor’s office for a checkup when her car malfunctioned and was thrust into a minor traffic accident. Cobb County, Georgia sheriffs arrived on the scene and arrested her for two misdemeanors – driving without a license and improper stop.  

Despite the fact that Alma as been in the U.S. for 10 years, has U.S. citizen children who will suffer if she is deported, and has no criminal history, ICE has placed a hold on her while her children and she suffer. 

Alma is the sole provider and caretaker for her children, ages 18, 15, 9, and 8. Release the ICE hold on Alma Prado and release her to take care of her family immediately.


Cobb County Jail (ask to be transferred to the 287g officer): 770-499-4200

Atlanta ICE Office: 404-893-1210

“I am calling to ask that you remove the ICE hold on Alma Prado (Inmate # 001-008-747) and release her immediately back to the care of her family. Alma is a single mother – sole provider and caretaker – for 4 U.S. citizen children. She has no criminal history and qualifies for release under the 2011 Morton Memo. Please release Alma Prado from Cobb County Jail immediately!”

Your Contact Information

* Required information

The Petition

To President Obama, ICE Director John Morton, DHS Director Janet Napolitano, and Cobb County Sheriff's Office:

I am writing to call on ICE to drop the hold on Alma Prado (SOID # 001008747) who is currently being held at Cobb County Jail in Georgia.

Alma came to the United States from Mexico more than 10 years ago in search of a better life. She soon settled in Georgia and is the single mother of 4 U.S. citizen children, ages 18, 15, 9, and 8. Alma is the main provider and caretaker for all of her children who depend solely on her.

On April 30, 2013, Alma was returning from taking her children to a doctor’s appointment when her car malfunctioned causing her to be involved in a minor car accident. When Cobb County Sheriffs appeared, Alma was arrested for two misdemeanors – driving without a license and improper stop. Since being booked, an ICE hold was placed on her.

Alma has dedicated her life to her family, and they depend on her. Despite not having any previous criminal record and being the sole responsible caretaker for 4 individuals, Alma and her family are made to continue to suffer.

Alma’s bond was paid on April 30th, which means that she will be transferred to ICE custody soon. According to the Morton Memo, Alma is a low priority for deportation, and she be released on her own recognizance to be able to take care of her family and return to her community.

I call on ICE to please drop the hold on Alma Prado immediately.

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