Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Article: Immigration Detention
Source: buzzfeed


Ok, So Why Do We Need Immigration Detention Reform?

The U.S. detains hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants every year and places them in a system that’s wasteful and inefficient — here’s why we need to fix it.

1. We spend too much money on it

Ok, So Why Do We Need Immigration Detention Reform?
Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) spends nearly $2 billion a year — or $5 million a day — on immigration detention.

2. Seriously, too many taxpayer dollars

Ok, So Why Do We Need Immigration Detention Reform?
Let’s say we limited the use of detention just for those who had committed violent crimes. We’d save $4 million PER NIGHT.

3. And for some reason, we want to spend even more taxpayer dollars on it.

Ok, So Why Do We Need Immigration Detention Reform?
The 2014 budget that passed the House of Representatives calls for $5.6 million a day spent on immigration detention. That’s $164 per day per person.

4. Yet, even when spending so much money, we still rely on private prisons (!) for the majority of these detentions

Ok, So Why Do We Need Immigration Detention Reform?
FACT: Private prison companies in 2011 housed nearly half of all immigration detainees. Wait, where do all the billions go?!

5. Private prisons for immigration detention are kind of a thing

Ok, So Why Do We Need Immigration Detention Reform?
Private prison corporations spent $45 million in the last 10 years on campaigns and lobbying. Shudder.

6. Alternatives to detention – such as electronic bracelets or required check-ins – are so much cheaper and humane

Ok, So Why Do We Need Immigration Detention Reform?
Existing alternatives to detention range in cost from $0.17 a day to $17 a day, with an average of $5.94/day.
$164 > $5.94

7. They’re also far more effective

Ok, So Why Do We Need Immigration Detention Reform?
People in alternatives to detention appeared at their immigration hearings 94% of the time.

Check out our Math of Immigration Detention paperfor more reasons why we need to fix our broken detention system.

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