Friday, August 9, 2013

TO DO: Disability Rights/Marriage Penalty
Source: People First of Montana/Disability Rights Montana

Remove Marriage Penalty Against People with Disabilities

    Remove Marriage Penalty Against People with Disabilities
  • author: People First of Montana and Disability Rights Montana
  • target: All US Senators and Representatives
  • signatures: 815

The federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program serves as critical income of last resort for many people with disabilities across the United States.  Unfortunately, it penalizes people for getting married.  If two SSI recipients of the opposite sex get married, or hold themselves out as married, their benefits are cut by 25 percent. Thus, people who love each other are forced to decide between critical income and a loving marriage commitment to each other, and all of the benefits that provide for themselves and their families.  This is not only unfair, it is bad policy.

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