Wednesday, August 21, 2013

TO DO: Obamacare

Stand with Obama: Support a Public Health Insurance Option

On Wednesday, President Obama reaffirmed his support for a public health insurance option--the key piece of health care reform that will provide coverage for all Americans and help bring costs down.

But as the fight for real reform heats up, right-wing lobbyists and conservatives in Congress are working hard to kill the public health insurance option.

We need to show Congress just how many Americans support Obama on health care reform. Can you sign the petition to stand with Obama?

A compiled petition with your individual comment will be presented to your senators and representative.

Sign the Petition

Full petition text: "I strongly believe that Americans should have the choice of a public health insurance option operating alongside private plans. This will give them a better range of choices, make the health care market more competitive, and keep insurance companies honest."
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Your message to your senators and representative: (optional) 

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The " Stand with Obama: Support a Public Health Insurance Option " campaign is brought to you by Political Action™.

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