Tuesday, August 20, 2013

TO DO: Military Spending/Pentagon
Source: American Friends Service Committee (Change.org)


Urge our Leaders to Invest in People, Not the Pentagon

Urge our Leaders to Invest in People, Not the Pentagon

    2. Sponsored by

In the next two months, we have an unprecedented opportunity to reduce excessive military spending—and we must not waste this moment.
Congress is again debating how to reduce the federal deficit. Some say we should slash programs like food stamps and child tax credits, or cut benefits for Medicare and Medicaid that will place more burdens on to those already struggling in our society.
But while many such “people” programs have already been squeezed, the Pentagon budget doubled from 1998 to 2010—and now makes up more than half the federal discretionary budget. Meanwhile, tax cuts for the wealthiest individuals and corporations have reduced the funds our nation has available to spend.
Our leaders in Washington know full well we’re not broke – but we will become increasingly broken if we don't change our budget priorities.
President Obama and Congressional leaders need to hear from us NOW—before special interests persuade them to protect the Pentagon instead of ensuring good jobs and schools, affordable health care, a clean environment, and a sound safety net.Please sign the petition today.

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