Friday, August 16, 2013

TO DO: Environment/Climate Change
Source: League of Conservation Voters

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Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson just crossed a line.
This week, we launched a campaign to get climate change deniers like Senator Johnson to accept the science and take action to curb global warming.
Before the first day of the campaign was over, Senator Johnson responded by writing in an email:
“The League of Conservation Voters is not an organization with a balanced approach to a cleaner environment. They are an extreme left group on an environmental jihad.”
I don’t even know where to start. But let’s try this:
Senator Johnson’s rhetoric is extremely offensive and inaccurate on multiple levels, and his determination to block action to cut carbon pollution is even worse.
It’s true that we are spending $2 million to put ads on the air in four states across the country -- including Wisconsin -- to call out climate change deniers in Congress. And we did organize 16 successful, constituent-powered rallies on Tuesday at the district offices of climate change deniers like Senator Johnson.
But all we’re asking for is that decision-makers in Washington support common-sense action to protect our health, our environment, and our future.
Senator Johnson started attacking us before even seeing our ad, which only points out that:
  • He doesn’t believe in climate change;
  • He has taken a lot of money from the oil and gas industries;
  • He has voted against limiting the amount of carbon pollution that power plants can spew into our air.
As a member of Congress, Senator Johnson has the power to do something about the climate crisis before it’s too late. But instead he chooses to block environmental initiatives by reasoning that global warming is just “sunspot activity” and carbon pollution “gets sucked down by trees and helps the trees grow.”
That’s just wrong.
It doesn’t matter whether you live in Wisconsin, Florida, or New York. We all will have to pay the consequences for the lack of action on climate change in Washington. And Big Oil-backed, climate-denying senators like Ron Johnson are responsible for it.
We can’t let him use name calling to distract from the damage he is doing by siding with polluters over people. So that’s why we’re asking every LCV supporter across the country to help us send Senator Johnson a message today: we expect him to change his stance on climate and we won’t back down.

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