Tuesday, August 13, 2013

TO DO: LGBTQ/Olympics
Source: All Out


GOAL: 400,000

So far, 355,734 people support this campaign. Help us get to 400,000

August 7th – More than 50 All Out members presented the 322,000 signature petition against the anti-gay crackdown in Russia to the International Olympic Committee's headquarters in Switzerland.
Before Russia hosts the Winter Olympics, All Out members are asking the Olympic Committee to speak out against Russia's anti–gay laws. We need to keep up the pressure – can you add your name?
July 29 – Global coverage of the Winter Olympics has just launched, thrusting Russia into the spotlight. That means we have a major chance right now to push world leaders to speak out against the anti-gay crackdown.

Right now, there's one world leader that could really make a difference - the International Olympic Committee. So far, they have refused to condemn Russia's anti-gay laws and build the pressure on President Putin to put an end to it. But if we get the petition to 300,000 signatures, we’ll deliver every name to the IOC’s head office in Switzerland in a way they can't ignore.

Can you sign the petition then share with others?


We stand with citizens across Russia who are calling on their government to stop the crackdown against lesbian, gay, bi and trans people that is fuelling anti-gay violence.

We urge leaders around the world and within Russia to work to eliminate all anti-gay laws and protect all citizens from violence and discrimination in Russia.

TO SIGN, GO TO: https://www.allout.org/en/actions/russia-attacks

Posted June 7th 2013, Updated July 29 and August 7

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