Thursday, August 8, 2013

TO DO: Endangered Species/Wolves
Source: Natural Resources Defense Council


wolvesThe clock is ticking down for our nation’s wolves.

The Obama Administration has given the public just 90 days to comment on its disastrous plan to strip wolves of their vital Endangered Species Act protections across most of the Lower 48 states.

NRDC and other conservation groups have set an ambitious goal of generating one million messages of protest to stop this far-reaching assault on wolves.

Please do your part by telling the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to reverse its reckless plan and give wolves a fighting chance at recovery!

The return of gray wolves to areas like the Northern Rockies and the western Great Lakes has been one of the greatest conservation success stories of our time.

But wolves are only starting to return to large portions of their former range, like the Pacific Northwest. Lone wolves have crossed into California, Utah, Colorado and states in the Northeast.

Removing federal protections now would shut the door on wolf recovery long before the job is done.

This reckless plan, more the result of political pressure than sound science or policy, would throw national wolf recovery into reverse.

In fact, a group of the nation’s top wildlife scientists has sent a letter to the administration, objecting to its proposal.
Wolves will not recover unless they remain protected. That’s why it’s so critical that we keep the pressure on that agency to withdraw this horrendous plan.

Please send your message to the Fish and Wildlife Service right now. Call on them to keep wolves protected under the Endangered Species Act.

We’re at a crucial turning point in this fight -- one that will determine whether wolves are allowed to survive and thrive in America. Thank you for making your voice heard in their defense. 

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