Wednesday, August 14, 2013

TO DO: Overturn Citizens United
Source: People for the American Way

Amend the U.S. Constitution to undo the damage of Citizens United v. FEC

How’s this for a sneaky way for a big money special interest group to influence an election?
Citizens United, the organization at the center of the infamous 2010 Supreme Court decision, has produced a 30-minute “documentary” on Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe which it’s licensed to air on three broadcast stations in Virginia starting this month.  
The film is nothing more than smear propaganda, tantamount to a half-hour campaign ad for the Republican in the race, ultra-right-wing Ken Cuccinelli … and one more example of the dangerous proliferation of unlimited outside spending to influence elections.
Worst of all, even if they wanted to, Virginia lawmakers are powerless to restrict this kind of disguised, sneaky political ad campaign because of the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United v. FEC -- a decision that bears the very name of the right-wing front group in question here.
For this reason and many more, we MUST amend the Constitution to overturn Citizens Unitedand the other court decisions that have removed all restraints from special interest spending to influence elections.
Help us get the money out and restore government by the People.  
Thank you for everything you do to help put the power in our democracy back where it belongs with the voters.

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