Tuesday, August 27, 2013

TO DO: Immigration Detention/ICE's Adelanto Facility
Source: Friends of Adelanto Detainees (change.org)


Join us Wednesday at the ICE offices in LA to demand a STOP to the expansion of the Adelanto Immigration Detention Center!

Sign the Petition: Bit.ly/No_Expansion 

Date: Wednesday, 08/28/2013 
Time:  10:30 am 

ICE Headquarters/Federal Building

300 Los Angeles St, in Los Angeles

We will be gathering at the open space across from the Federal Building, where the red circle is, then proceed to the Federal Building to listen to speakers about the Adelanto Facility.

In light of everything that has happened at the Adelanto facility: ICE's attempt to shut the community-led visitation program out of the center, additional issues at the Adelanto facility, including the death of Mr. Dominguez (3-4-12) and the continual rotation of ICE leadership (just to name a few), there is great cause to be concerned about the continued expansion of the facility. We don’t need 600 more beds added to  the already 1,300 beds there! 

We are coming together Wednesday, August 28th to tell ICE to halt their plans to move forward with the expansion of the facility! We are certain that funding should be prioritized around the humane treatment of detainees and immigration reform in general, and not prolonging the isolation of more people at the Adelanto facility. 
END Adelanto's expansion!

Sign and pass our petition: Bit.ly/No_Expansion

Contact Person: Vickie Mena

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