Article: Government Shutdown/Citizens United
Source: Huffington Post
Bernie Sanders Blames Citizens United
For Government Shutdown
The Huffington Post | By Shadee Ashtari Posted: 10/09/2013 1:22 pm EDT | Updated: 10/09/2013 1:31 pm EDT
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) delivered an impassioned speech on campaign finance on the Senate floor on Monday, blaming the Supreme Court's famous 2010 Citizens United ruling for the government shutdown that began Oct. 1.
“So what democracy is today in the House of Representatives after Citizens United is about is a handful of billionaires can threaten any member of the House with defeat by pouring unlimited sums of money if they vote in a way that the Koch brothers do not like... We have got to do everything that we can to overturn this disastrousCitizens United Supreme Court decision so that a handful of billionaires cannot dictate public policy,” Sanders said.
Watch video of Sanders' remarks above.
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