Wednesday, October 9, 2013

TO DO: Fracking
Source: Earth Justice
TAKE ACTION! Stand With This Community In Its Fracking Infrastructure FightTake action today!
A sign protesting fracking is displayed by a barn. (Not An Alternative / Flickr CC)
An upstate New York community is fighting the expansion of a gas storage facility near beautiful Seneca Lake. If completed, it could boost devastating fracking production across the region.
Take Action Today!
New York’s Finger Lakes region has a tradition of standing on the right side of history.
Some 165 years ago, the region played host to a group of abolitionists who also wanted to fight for women’s equality, at the now-historic Seneca Falls Convention attended by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Frederick Douglass.
Today, the region has become a center of resistance to the oil and gas industry’s destructive fracking rush—passing some of the nation’s first local fracking bans.
The people of the Finger Lakes have fought—as they always have—to do what’s right. But now they need our help to fight the expansion of a fracked gas storage facility.
Even as the people of the Finger Lakes have held the line on fracking, the oil and gas industry seems determined to force itself into the region. Inergy, a Kansas City-based company, has announced plans to turn the region into a gas storage hub, starting with a proposal to expand storage of fracked gas in abandoned salt caverns alongside Seneca Lake.
Not only will this project threaten to trample a local, sustainable economy dependent on Seneca Lake, it could end up hastening fracking in nearby states.
Can they count on your help too?
It may seem like a small step. But it’s important to the people of Seneca Lake. And when brave people stand up for what’s right—as the people in this region have time and again—it’s important to stand with them.
If you believe we need to make a historic shift toward sustainable, local economies instead of locking into a fossil-fuel dependent future, take action today.

Take action today!
A wide shot of Seneca Lake. (eatsmilesleep / Flickr CC)

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