Friday, October 11, 2013

TO DO: McCutcheon Is The Next Citizens United--Activist Toolkit
Source: People for the American Way

Stop Big Money's Dominance in Elections 

McCutcheon v. FEC (the next Citizens United)

On October 8, the Supreme Court is set to hear arguments in a case that some are calling “the next Citizens United” and, once again, the Court’s ultraconservative five-justice majority could take steps to seriously undermine democratic principles and open the door for morebig money in elections.
constitution - we the people
Will you fight back to stop big money's dominance in our elections?
At issue in McCutcheon v. FEC are “aggregate contribution limits” -- the overall limits on the total amount a person can give directly to candidates, PACs and parties in each election cycle.  The Supreme Court has upheld these limits as constitutional for nearly four decades.  However, the Roberts Court has decided, for no justifiable reason other than possibly to tilt the scales of justice towards the powerful, to hear McCutcheon and potentially gut those important limits.
We’ve assembled a toolkit to help activists raise awareness of McCutcheon and rally for reforms that can solve our growing money-in-politics problem. 
Check it out now at
Use the toolkit to:
  • Learn more about the case, the issues at stake and how to talk about them to your community;
  • Write a “Letter To the Editor” of your local newspaper;
  • Attend rallies and lobby events taking place both in Washington, DC and across the country on the day of the oral arguments;
  • Amplify #McCutcheon via social media tools;
  • And more!
As always, we’re here to help.  Please reach out to us at if you need help with your Letter To the Editor submission or any other issues regarding McCutcheon or other “Money Out” reform and activism.
Thank you for fighting back against the corrupting influence of big money in our elections and the pro-corporate activism of the Roberts Court in order to restore Government By the PEOPLE.

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