Monday, October 14, 2013

TO DO: Immigration: Mandatory Detention
Source: Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement (CIVIC)

The secret is out. It's time that Americans know that human rights are being traded for profit right here in the United States.

Due to pressure from corporate lobbyists, Congress has mandated that 34,000 immigrants be detained in the United States each day of the year.  Watch the video above and sign the petition.  Help us end the quota and tell the U.S. governement to stop trading human rights for profit.

Our goal is to get 34,000 Americans to raise their voices against the quota mandating 34,000 daily lock-ups of immigrants.

Hard to believe, but it's true.  Every day men and women are locked up indefinitely.  They have no right to an attorney, no right to a visitor, and no right to a free phone call.  Isolated from the outside world, these people experience medical neglect as well as physical and psychological abuse. Nearly half of these individuals will be transferred twice from detention facility to detention facility; they will be woken up at 2 or 3 am, shackled, put on a bus, and not told where they are going.  The experience can only be described as a nightmare.

And you are paying for it.  Despite the call for fiscal restraint, the House of Representatives approved a budget of 5.4 billion for Immigration and Customs Enforcement operations in FY 2014 with over 2 billion going toward detention alone. 

Sign this petition 

(See petition letter below)
with 282 supporters
33,718 NEEDED

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We need your help spreading the word:

Sample tweet - End the trade of human rights for profit. Watch the video "34,000 Sold" & take action now to #EndTheQuota:

Sample Facebook / LinkedIn - Are human rights being traded for profit right here in the United States? Congress mandates that 34,000 immigrants be detained in the US every day of the year. Watch our short video, and help us get 34,000 Americans to sign the petition to #EndTheQuota:

With your help, we can put end to this untenable injustice!

The President of the United States
The U.S. Senate
The U.S. House of Representatives 
Under U.S. law, taxpayers must pay to keep 34,000 people in immigration detention each day. This is a waste of government resources. Comprehensive immigration reform must include an end to the mandated beds. End the quota, and stop trading human rights for profit in the United States.
[Your name]

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