Saturday, October 19, 2013

TO DO: Protect Medicare and Social Security
Source: Public Citizen

Urge President Obama to Keep Medicare and Social Security Off Limits in Budget Talks with Republicans

Don’t Give In the Next Time the Radical Right Threatens Shutdown or Default

The deal struck to end the shutdown and forestall default includes a plan to negotiate over further budget cuts. Make no mistake, what the Republicans — and, sad to say, President Obama — are talking about is cutting Medicare and Social Security.
Make sure President Obama hears from you. Add your name to those urging the president to maintain the momentum we’ve just won by keeping Medicare and Social Security off limits in budget talks with Republicans.


You stood up to the regressive ideology and undemocratic grandstanding of Tea Party Republicans. But they will be back. We implore you: Never allow Medicare and Social Security to be put on the table in any negotiation with right-wing extremists.

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