Friday, October 11, 2013

TO DO: Gay Marriage in Gov Christie's NJ
Source: MoveOn

Legalize Gay Marriage in New Jersey!

By Samuel Schenerman (Contact)
To be delivered to: The New Jersey State House, The New Jersey State Senate, and Governor Chris Christie
Follow in the footsteps of states like New York and take charge with President Obama: enable homosexuals to have thesame matrimonial rights as heterosexuals.

Petition Background

More and more states are banning and outlawing gay marriage. The most recent state was a surprise. North Carolina, a supposedly "progressive" state, outlawed the basic human right of matrimony just because the humans happened to be of the same sex. I live in New Jersey. I am family friends with a gay couple who have been living happily for years. I want to attend their wedding and help bring social justice to homosexuals in this great state of ours.

Tell our state legislature to pressure Chris Christie. 

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