Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Article: Government Shutdown/tea Party Taxation
Source: NY Daily News

Stasi: Tea Party causes taxation without representation with shutdown

Woody Allen had to notice his wildly handsome 'biological' son resembled Frank Sinatra; despite Mayor Bloomberg's efforts to get us to eat and drink like him, New Yorkers are fatter than ever.

 Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann prepares to cut a cake celebrating her visit of all of Iowa's 99 counties, at Snack Time Family Restaurant in Nevada, Iowa, December 29, 2011. REUTERS/John Gress (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS) - RTR2VQ33


Rep. Michele Bachmann helped put the U.S. on edge.

How ironic is it that the government shutdown — the ultimate in taxation without representation — was brought to us courtesy of the Tea Party?
On Tuesday, flag bearer for the dopey, Rep. Michele Bachmann, apparently unaware that it was her side that closed the national parks when they closed the national government, showed up at the shuttered WWII Memorial in D.C. and proceeded to follow Reagan’s cry to tear down that wall, by helping to remove the barriers.
Then clutching a piece of yellow caution tape like it was the Declaration of Independence, Bachmann cried out like a crazed Al Sharpton, “They’re not gonna lock you up, brother!” Brother? Really? Then she continued, “They’re going to have to get through me first!”
 Congressman Randy Neugebauer demeaned a park ranger, perhaps believing she was responsible for the shutdown of all the national parks.</p>


Congressman Randy Neugebauer demeaned a park ranger, perhaps believing she was responsible for the shutdown of all the national parks.

This, from the law-and-order congresswoman who voted for the shutdown.
Same park/same issue. Congressman Randy Neugebauer got himself into the act, demeaning a park ranger who was doing her job. “The Park Service should be ashamed of themselves,” he raved, perhaps believing that lone ranger was responsible for the shutdown of all the national parks.
Instead of getting the cheers he thought were coming his way, a disgruntled veteran took after him saying it was because of the shutdown that he was now out of work.
Has everyone gone Ted Cruz on us? In an attempt to find some sanity, I contacted the congresspeople who represent New Yorkers.
 Has everyone gone Ted Cruz on us?</p>


Has everyone gone Ted Cruz on us?

Rep. Michael Grimm (R.-S.I.) was at first among the moderates. Now he’s digging in.
The former Marine and Secret Service agent told me, “You know what? We’re worse off than we were before. And sure, there’s enough blame to go around on all sides, but when the President calls a meeting and says, ‘It’s my way or the highway'? It’s demeaning to the office and the country. Why hasn’t the President brought in Vice President Biden, who knows the congress better than anyone, to negotiate? Because the president and Harry Reid have made a decision that the more it hurts, the worse the Republicans will look.”
Rep. Joe Crowley (D.-Queens) sees it differently, of course.
“The Affordable Care Act is the law of the land,” he said. “You don’t shut down a government because you don’t like a law! My constituents didn’t stop paying taxes because they don’t like that the government shut down.
“They (Republicans) have tried to repeal the ACA 47 or 48 times. It’s Einstein’s definition of insanity. You keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I’ve never seen such obstinance — and Boehner is enabling them.”
Finally, firebrand Rep. Peter King (R.-L.I.), who don’t take no crap from nobody:
“These people (Tea Party Republicans) are nothing but government terrorists!
“Look, I’m against Obamacare, but putting 800,000 people out of work? These are Republicans who a month ago said they’d never shut down the government, but the Ted Cruz acolytes threatened that they’d bring down the house and they did! These guys are convinced they’re winning. They’re listening to their own echo chambers.”
There you have it: Three reasonable guys in the most unreasonable position we never thought we’d be in.

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