Wednesday, October 16, 2013

TO DO: Government Shutdown/Default
Source: Left Action


Update: With just two days remaining until a potentially catastrophic default, Boehner is rejecting a Senate compromise. He is continuing to be led by the lunatic fringe tea partiers in Congress.   Time is short, so it's time to maximize the pressure! Take the actions below, and send a new message if you already have (sending multiple messages is fine).  Help stop this insanity-induced catastrophe! 
1)  Tell Boehner: "Let them Vote!";  2)  Shut Down the Tea Party; 3Get Even: Take Back the House;   4)  Tell Boehner: Dump the Tea Party;   5)  Tell Democrats: Don't cave on SS/Medicare cuts
Take these actions, keep up the pressure, and fight back against right-wing insanity! (note: sending multiple messages is fine, and in fact helpful)
1)  Tell Boehner: "Let them vote!"

According to multiple reports, there are enough votes in the House right now to pass the bill already approved by the Senate, and reopen our government. And yet, one man, Speaker John Boehner, is thwarting the will of the majority by refusing to hold a vote. What is he scared of?
Send Boehner a message: Tell him "Let them Vote!"

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2)  Shut Down the Tea Party, Not Our Government 

Send a message to the Tea Party:  "Shut down our government?  We'll shut YOU down at the polls!"
Let these extremists know that we will not allow our country to be held hostage by their political antics.  
Join with Left Action and the DSCC in sending a message, and pledging to shut them down.  

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3)  Don't Get Angry, Get Even: Take Back the House from Republican Extremists

Don't just get angry at House Republicans -- get even. Send a message, tell them we're taking back the House, and help EMILY's List make it happen.
EMILY's List has been helping elect phenomenal progressives (including Elizabeth Warren) for years, and they know what they're doing.
Send a message, vent appropriately, and then... help EMILY's List take back the House in 2014!  

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4)  Tell Boehner: Dump the Tea Party

Since he became speaker, John Boehner has tried and tried again to appease the Tea Party wing of his Republican caucus. He has let this small but loud contingent drive the House agenda, hoping that in return they would come to their senses for the most critical items.
It hasn't worked. It has been a miserable failure. And now America is paying the price.
Send Boehner a message: Tell him to dump the Tea Party, and work with reasonable Republicans and Democrats to find common ground solutions. 

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5)  Tell Democrats: Don't let Republican hostage-takers put Medicare and Social Security benefits back on the chopping block
Congress is headed for two major showdowns over federal spending and Republican hostage-takers are once again trying to force weak-kneed Democrats in Congress to agree to cuts in Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security benefits.
Tell Democrats: Don't let Republican hostage-takers put Medicare and Social Security benefits back on the chopping block. 

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Thanks for your support, and for fighting back!

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