Wednesday, October 9, 2013

TO DO: Domestic Violence Awareness Month/Gun Control
Source: Demand Action to End Gun Violence

Last October, my sister Zina was shot and killed by her abusive estranged husband, even though she had a restraining order against him.

A criminal background check would have stopped her murderer from buying a weapon, but he simply avoided one by going on the internet and finding a private seller at  This loophole made it easy for him to get a gun to kill Zina and two others and shoot four more people at the spa where Zina worked in Brookfield, WI.

Domestic abusers like my sister's murderer tend to become more dangerous after a victim leaves or seeks a protective order against them -- which is why federal law prohibits them from buying guns. Since its inception, the background check system has stopped more than 250,000 domestic abusers from buying guns. But loopholes in our gun laws continue to let too many stalkers, rapists, and other domestic violence offenders get their hands on guns.

Please click here to automatically add your name to my open letter to Congress. Join me in asking them to pass common-sense gun laws that will save women's lives.

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Read the full letter below

The first anniversary of my sister’s murder falls during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Signing this letter will help give a voice to women who might not be able to speak for themselves. Women like my sister Zina. Background checks have proven effective in reducing the risk of homicide for women in situations like my sister’s. In states that require a background check for every handgun sale, there are 38 percent fewer women shot to death by intimate partners. But domestic violence is a national problem, and Congress should take the steps that we know will protect women in abusive situations in all 50 states.

I urge you to stand with me, the families of those at risk, and the 90% of Americans who support background checks in supporting common-sense solutions to this tragic problem. Later this month, I will fly to Washington and deliver this letter -- and your signature -- directly to leaders in Congress.

Click below to automatically add your name to this open letter today, and tell Congress to support background checks and save women's lives:

With your support, our stories can change minds in Washington and save lives.

Thanks for joining me,

Elvin Daniel

Dear Members of Congress,

One year ago, my sister Zina was murdered with a gun by her abusive estranged husband. Zina had a restraining order against him that prohibited him from buying a gun, but he was able to go online and buy the murder weapon without a background check. This loophole made it easy for him to get a gun to kill Zina and two others and shoot four more people at the spa where Zina worked in Brookfield, WI.

Domestic abusers like my sister’s murderer tend to become more dangerous after their victims leave or seek protective orders against them – which is why federal law prohibits them from having guns. Since its inception, the background check system has stopped more than 250,000 domestic abusers from buying guns. But loopholes in our gun laws continue to let too many stalkers, rapists, and other domestic violence offenders get their hands on guns.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and I'm writing to ask for your support on legislation that would require background checks on all commercial gun sales and to strengthen laws that would prevent violence against women.

Background checks have proven effective in reducing the risk of homicide for women in situations like my sister’s. In states that require a background check for every handgun sale, there are 38 percent fewer women shot to death by intimate partners. But domestic violence is a national problem, and Congress should take the steps that we know will protect women in abusive situations in all 50 states.

I urge you to stand with me, the families of those at risk, and the 90% of Americans who support background checks in supporting common-sense solutions to this tragic problem.


Elvin Daniel

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