Sunday, May 19, 2013

TO DO: Clean Energy
Source: Sierra Club

Sierra Club - Explore, enjoy and protect the planet

There's a right way and a wrong way to replace upstate New York's old, dirty coal plants. The right way means jobs and economic development. The wrong way means millions of dollars in unnecessary rate increases and continued use of dirty fuels for upstate New York. 

Right now an agency you may never have heard of -- the Public Service Commission (PSC) -- is deciding between a sustainable future for New York or a retreat to our expensive, and dirty, energy past. The big polluters and their allies in Albany are trying to flood the PSC with pro-coal, pro-fracked gas comments.

But we're fighting back. Tell the PSC you support clean energy, not a continued legacy of fossil fuels and pollution.

New York's coal fleet is outdated and uneconomical. The Dunkirk and Cayuga coal-fired power plants want to repower with natural gas, an expensive conversion.[1]

It is time for a new direction -- one that will cut costs, create jobs, and make New York a leader in clean energy and innovation. We will attract new industries, lower monthly bills and better protect our communities from the dangers of climate disruption.

Tell the Public Service Commission that New Yorkers want our leaders to start making decisions to bring a clean energy future rather than keeping us locked in the dirty past.
Moving New York beyond coal is a fairly simple two-step process. Step one: Retire our old, polluting coal plants and ensure a fair transition for affected communities. Step two: Replace them with clean energy, not more fossil fuels. 
Clean energy solutions are simply less profitable for the polluters, so they'd rather switch out one dirty, outdated fossil fuel for another. But, you have the power to demand the PSC choose clean energy solutions to replace coal.

Thanks for all you do to protect the environment,

Jennifer Tuttle
New York Beyond Coal
Sierra Club

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