Tuesday, May 7, 2013

TO DO: Detention/Guantanamo
Source: CREDO


Organize by CREDO
Tell President Obama: Shut down Guantánamo
Dear Minnie,
Shut Down Guantánamo! Click here to take action.
I started my own campaign on CREDO's new site that allows activists to start their own petitions.
President Obama, fulfill the promise you made four years ago to close the prison at Guantánamo and end indefinite detention without charge or trial. Congress has made this task more difficult for you, but you have the authority to close Guantánamo, and you must use it. Use your authority to direct the release of the men you do not intend to try, and charge the rest in a court that meets fair-trial standards. Begin by releasing the 86 men your own administration has approved for transfer. And appoint an individual within your administration to lead the closure of Guantánamo.
A grave crisis is currently unfolding at the U.S. prison in Guantánamo Bay, where escalating despair has driven most of the imprisoned men to risk their very lives to protest their indefinite detention through a peaceful, large-scale hunger strike that is entering its fourth month. This crisis at Guantánamo cannot be divorced from the fact that the vast majority of the 166 remaining prisoners have been held for more than 11 years without any charge or trial, and with no end to their detention in sight.
Innocent people should not spend a decade in an American jail, only to die alone and far from home. President Obama acknowledged this week that Guantánamo needs to close because, in his words, it's "inefficient" and hurtful to our "international standing." Words are not enough. He must match his words with actions.
Thank you for your support.
Leili Kashani
Sign the petition ►
TO SIGN PETITION, GO TO: http://org.credoaction.com/petitions/tell-president-obama-it-s-time-to-close-guantanamo?akid=7844.4584760.dBhERf%22&rd=1&t=5

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