Sunday, May 19, 2013

TO DO: Food Security
Source: NY League of Conservation Voters


Action Alert: Pass The Food Metrics Bill

nylcv.e-actionmax.comSunday, May 19, 2013

Pass The Food Metrics Bill
Help Set The Stage For A Stronger Local Food Economy
New York's agriculture industry is vital to the state's economy, history and culture. Farms, food processors and related businesses annually generate an estimated $47 billion in economic activity.

Despite this, New York is losing farmland at an alarming rate. Almost 450,000 acres of farmland - equivalent to 4,500 median-sized farms - have been developed in New York since 1982. The vast majority of produce and dairy farms are struggling to stay profitable as food is increasingly purchased out of state and even out of the country.

One way to curtail the loss of farmland and subsequent downfall in our food economy is to encourage state agencies to "buy local."

The Food Metrics Bill (S.4061 / A.5102), sponsored by Senator Patty Richie and Assembly Member Crystal D. Peoples-Stokes, would require state agencies to establish a robust food purchasing, tracking and reporting system.

This tracking system would provide decision makers with critical data on agencies' procurement practices -- including how much money agencies spend on local food products versus those purchased from outside New York and whether local food was available at that time for purchase as an alternative to that non-local food.

In addition, this legislation would require the state government to establish guidelines that will assist agencies in increasing their use and purchase of New York food products.

Similar legislation adopted by the New York City Council in 2011 resulted in the "New York City Food Metrics Report," which was released in 2012 and reported that $30 million of the $148 million spent on food by the New York City Department of Education was purchased from New York sources.

Having no fiscal costs to taxpayers and only minimal administrative impact to a few state agencies, this bill is an important step in strengthening New York's struggling, yet critically important, agriculture industry.

Please help support our local farmers and economy by contacting your legislators today! Thank you.

Message To Be Sent To
 cc: Assemblymember Crystal D. Peoples-Stokes
 cc: Assemblymember Steven C. Englebright
 cc: Senator John A. DeFrancisco
 cc: Senator Patricia A. Ritchie
 Your Assembly Member
 Your State Senator

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