Monday, May 13, 2013

TO DO: Environment/Clean Air
Source: Earth Justice

Earthjustice. Because the earth needs a good lawyer.

This week, more than 100 doctors, tribal leaders, nurses, labor leaders, community activists, and clergy from all 50 states are coming to Washington D.C to fight for clean air. These Clean Air Ambassadors are representing themselves, their communities, and you in this fight.
So how can you help?
Air pollution doesn’t recognize borders, ethnicity, or class. Our breathing is a bipartisan issue, upon which all political parties should agree.
Coal ash dust doesn’t discriminate. Carbon pollution causes climate change all over the globe. Smog and soot aren’t limited to local freeways and those living around them. Asthma rates, hospitalizations, cancer and premature deaths are soaring, The cost of dirty air is just too high to pay.
Earthjustice is proud to partner with the American Nurses Association, Hip Hop Caucus, Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, National Latino Coalition on Climate Change, National Council of Churches, and Physicians for Social Responsibility to make 50 States United for Healthy Air a reality.

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