Tuesday, May 14, 2013

TO DO: Environment/Keystone XL Pipeline
Source: Credo Action

Tell your Rep: Urge President Obama to reject Keystone XL

Tell your Rep: Urge President Obama to reject Keystone XL
Republicans in the House are gearing up for yet another symbolic vote to force approval of Keystone XL.
Of course, Keystone XL is President Obama’s decision – not the climate deniers who make up a majority of our Congress – but we know that he is sensitive to pressure from Congress as he considers his decision.
Now we have an important opportunity to build pressure on the President from those in Congress who actually accept science.
Arizona Rep. Raul Grijalva has just written a great letter asking President Obama to reject Keystone XL.1 The more Representatives we can get to add their names before it gets sent to the President, the more pressure the president will feel.
Tell your member of Congress to co-sign the Grijalva letter urging President Obama to reject Keystone XL. Click here to automatically sign the petition.
President Obama recognizes that a majority of Congress deny the science of climate change.
His Organizing for Action has made calling out climate denial a major focus of its messaging. But calling out climate denial is not enough – President Obama needs to show that he is committed to action. The first, easiest thing he can do is reject Keystone XL.
The President’s efforts to call out members of Congress for ignoring scientists will be meaningless if his own administration does the very same thing -- deny the scientists who are unequivocally clear on the need to keep carbon in the ground – when it comes to his decision on the Keystone XL pipeline.
If enough Representatives sign Rep. Grijalva’s letter, it could make a big impression on the president. But for that to happen, your Representative needs to hear from you. Please sign the petition now: http://act.credoaction.com/sign/grijalva_letter?akid=7907.4584760.544oln&rd=1&t=2

Dear President Obama,
We stand with millions of Americans concerned about the strength of our economy, gas prices, and the safety of our water supply in urging you to reject the Keystone XL pipeline.
When you strip away the rhetoric, the facts are clear: Keystone XL will export Canadian oil through our country – not to our country. As an export pipeline, Keystone XL does not reduce our dependence on foreign oil. It does not protect American families from increasing gas prices or price spikes on the global market.
The history of tar sands pipelines is full of failed promises, difficult cleanups and environmental damage. Tar sands crude is both more toxic and more difficult to clean up than conventional oil. A 2010 spill involving tar sands crude on the Kalamazoo River has still not been remedied.
The climate impacts are perhaps even greater than the immediate damage to water sources, and will be felt by every American for decades to come. The State Department’s conclusion that we might as well approve Keystone XL because the tar sands will inevitably be burned is not only untrue, it is a stunning breach of our national security. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta is hardly alone in the military community in declaring that climate change “has a dramatic impact on national security.”
Keystone XL will increase global demand for tar sands, which produce far more climate-heating emissions than conventional oil. There is a better way forward, and we call on you to continue leading the way. The only way to reduce high gas prices is to use less fuel. We applaud your administration’s historic efforts to increase vehicle fuel efficiency, your investments in sustainable technologies, and your inspiring call in the State of the Union Address to fund research to move our vehicles away from oil altogether. Rejecting Keystone XL should be another part of your positive environmental legacy.
Efforts already under way are saving Americans money at the pump and creating new engineering and manufacturing jobs. Approving Keystone would put many of these advances in jeopardy. It would mean a return to the dirty economy of the past rather than a step toward the clean economy of the future.
The costs of approving Keystone XL far outweigh any benefits. The American people are depending on your leadership. This dirty pipeline is not in our national interest, and we urge you to reject it.
Raúl M. Grijalva
Member of Congress

TO SIGN PETITION, GO TO: http://act.credoaction.com/sign/grijalva_letter?akid=7907.4584760.544oln&rd=1&t=2

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