Monday, May 13, 2013

TO DO: Sexual Assault/Military
Source: Emily's List

Just last week, the Air Force lieutenant colonel in charge of sexual assault prevention was arrested for sexual battery. And that's just the tip of the iceberg: The Pentagon's own estimates suggest as many as 26,000 service members were sexually assaulted in 2012. 26,000.

That's unacceptable. Add your name right now and stand with me and my female colleagues in the Senate fighting to protect America's troops.

Worse still is that only an estimated 13 percent of those men and women reported the crime and many of those cases never saw trial. Even if a case makes it to trial and a verdict is reached, senior military officers with serious conflicts of interest--but no legal training--can throw out the charges. This means many of our troops may often have to fight for our country alongside those who abuse them.
We have to fix this. Sign now to stand up for our dedicated Americans in uniform.

Our troops put themselves in harm's way every day. We owe it to them--and to our country--to ensure they can do their jobs without the threat of sexual violence.

Thanks for joining me to stand up for those who fight for us.


Senator Kay Hagan

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