Monday, May 13, 2013

TO DO: Gun Control
Source: Mayors Against Illegal Guns

The House of Representatives is off to a strong start on background checks.

Reps. Pete King (R-NY) and Mike Thompson (D-CA) have introduced a new bill that will extend background checks and help keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. This bill is identical to the life-saving Manchin-Toomey bill that was blocked in the Senate, and it already has more than 160 co-sponsors in the House.1

As you know, more than 90% of Americans support background checks for all gun sales. The question now is: Can the House turn the overwhelming will of the people into law?

Let’s keep the momentum going. Make sure your representative co-sponsors the bipartisan King-Thompson bill.

Check out our new Vote Count tool to see where Representative Joseph Crowley stands and share your support for background checks.
Check out our new Vote Count tool to see where your representative stands
Senators who ignored their constituents and bowed to the Washington gun lobby are feeling the heat. Their approval ratings are plummeting because constituents like you took them to task when they were home for recess.2

Senator Manchin has pledged to bring the background checks legislation back to the Senate floor.3 And already more than 160 representatives have co-sponsored the King-Thompson bill and made it clear that they stand with the 90% of Americans who want common sense gun reform.

But for those representatives who take the NRA’s money and do the bidding of gun manufacturers, we need to apply the same kind of pressure we did in the Senate.

This is not a moment for elected officials to count their campaign contributions and play it safe.This is a moment that demands leadership -- a moment that will have consequences for those who ignore the will of the overwhelming majority of the American people.

This bill will make sure that criminals, and those with serious mental health issues or records of domestic violence, can no longer obtain guns with ease. In short, it will save lives.

Use our new tool and urge Rep. Crowley to support King-Thompson (HR-1565) and expanded background checks TODAY:

Thank you,

Mayors Against Illegal Guns

1. "Following Outrage Over Failure Of Background Checks Bill, Senators Now Say They May Back It," Think Progress, May 7, 2013.
2. "Polls Plummet For Senators Who Voted No On Gun Background Checks," Talking Points Memo, April 29, 2013.
3. "Sen. Manchin vows to reintroduce bill expanding background checks," The Hill, April 28, 2013.

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